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New/Interested Players

The Fairfax Women's Soccer Association has opportunities for women ages 19 and up (or 18 and a high school graduate) to play soccer two full seasons (Spring and Fall) and two off-seasons (Winter and Summer) each year.

There are five age groups: Open (Over 19), Over 30, Over 40, Over 50, and Over 60. Players may play on more than one team in the different age divisions where they qualify.

Our Spring and Fall seasons include ten 80-90 minute games for all age divisions for $75. Out of County residents pay an additional charge by Fairfax County.

Spring 2025 registration will begin the second week of February.

Interest Form
Please fill out our interest form if you would like more information about playing with FWSA.

Brand new player or coming back after a long time
? We have an Academy training program for those who either have never played, have limited skills, have been out of the game for a long time, or are rehabbing from injury. It is a good way to ease back into playing or learning to play in a no-pressure environment. Registration for the Academy is available in our Fall and Spring seasons, more information on our Academy Page.

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